Laboratory Services

Aspen Vet offers the latest state of the art in house laboratory analyzers to diagnose and monitor your pet’s health.

  • Hematology Analyzer-Complete Blood cell Count, hemoglobin levels, platelet count.
  • Chemistry Analyzer-liver enzymes, kidney markers, SDMA early kidney disease detection, electrolytes, protein levels, diabetes screening, thyroid testing.
  • Automated Urine Analyzer
  • Fecal Flotation
  • Heartworm test
  • FIV/FeLv test for feline retroviral disease
  • Microbiology-culture incubator for bacterial infections such as skin infections and bladder infections.
  • Cytology evaluation of skin cancers, ear infection, masses, joint fluid, body cavity effusions, skin parasites.
  • Idexx Laboratories is used by our doctor as our outside referral laboratory for histopathology, advanced testing, or specialized blood panels. Hundreds of species specific and disease specific tests are available to accurately diagnose medical problems and monitor treatment response.

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