Secondhand Smoke Affects Pets Too

Secondhand Smoke Affects Pets Too

The effects of secondhand smoke on people are well-documented. Exposure to tobacco smoke causes a variety of serious health problems, including stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not surprisingly,...
Spring Hazards

Spring Hazards

Everyone looks forward to spring with its fresh air, colorful flowers, and sense of renewal. But there are many hazards associated with this season. We should always be on guard when it comes to our pets and potential dangers. Many areas of the country have a problem...
Assistance Dogs Offer Many Benefits

Assistance Dogs Offer Many Benefits

Assistance dogs are not just for blind or visually impaired people. Today, these dogs help people with a range of conditions enjoy full lives. Guide Dogs Guide dogs, also known as Seeing Eye dogs, help blind and visually impaired people live independent lives. These...
Caring for Your Pet Before and After Surgery

Caring for Your Pet Before and After Surgery

Is a surgery in your pet’s future? If it is, you probably have a few questions about pre- and post-surgery care. Paying close attention to care recommendations will help you ensure that the surgery is just a minor disruption to your pet’s normal routine....
Lameness In Horses

Lameness In Horses

Horse lameness is a condition that occurs when a horse is unable to move normally. While the majority of horse lameness is related to the foot, this condition may be caused by problems in a horse’s bones, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments. Repetitive injuries,...
Does My Pet Dream?

Does My Pet Dream?

If you’ve ever watched your pet twitch, twist, and growl when sleeping, you’ve probably wondered if he or she is having a particularly interesting dream that involves chasing mice or rooting through your trash can. For years, people have wondered if their...
Managing Pet Allergies in Kids

Managing Pet Allergies in Kids

Are you concerned that your child’s allergies may mean that you will have to give up your pet? Although rehoming a pet may be necessary if allergies are severe, most children can live with pets if you are willing to make a few changes. The Problem About three in...
Identifying Dementia in Senior Dogs

Identifying Dementia in Senior Dogs

Could Your Senior Dog Have Dementia? Dogs and people share many things in common, including the tendency to develop dementia as they age. If your dog has dementia, you’ll notice a few key behavioral changes. Common Signs of Dementia Canine cognitive dysfunction...
Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter

Animal shelters, or what used to be known as pounds, are either governmental or private organizations that provide temporary homes for stray, surrendered, or abandoned pet animals. They most often house dogs and cats. The animal is kept at the shelter until it is...
The Next Step

The Next Step

The grieving process includes accepting the reality of your loss, accepting that the loss and accompanying feelings are painful, and adjusting to your new life that no longer includes your pet. How do I tell my family? Family members usually are already aware of a...
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