Client Survey

Client Survey

Download & Print Client Survey If you do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download. Please download the Client Survey, and fill in the requested information. You can either email, mail, fax, or hand in your completed...
Bred Specific Rescue Groups

Bred Specific Rescue Groups

Many dog owners admire the unique looks and personalities of purebreds, but also worry about the fate of millions of pets euthanized each year. What many people don’t realize is that there are specific breed rescue organizations for almost every breed of dog,...
Stem Cell Relief

Stem Cell Relief

More than 15 million dogs in North America suffer some form of degenerative joint disease, better known as arthritis. Unfortunately, many dog owners are unaware of the pain their pet is experiencing, chalking up the slow movement to the effects of “old...
Overweight Pets

Overweight Pets

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 43% of all dogs and 53% of all cats are classified as overweight. What’s worse is that an additional 10% of all dogs and 19% of all cats are considered obese! Therefore, more than half of our dogs...
Creepy, Crawly Critters

Creepy, Crawly Critters

There are many parasites we need be concerned about that can affect our pets. Ticks are one of the most common and frightful. Most people shudder just at the thought of a tick, let alone finding one on their pet or in their house. Unfortunately, the people who study...
Managing Your Pet’s Arthritis

Managing Your Pet’s Arthritis

Years of running, jumping and walking take a toll on your pet’s joints. When your once energetic cat or dog starts to slows down or appears to be in pain, osteoarthritis may be to blame. The disease wears down the cartilage in the joints, causing bones to rub...
Is a Cat Enclosure Right for Your Cat?

Is a Cat Enclosure Right for Your Cat?

A cat enclosure offers the perfect way for your favorite feline to enjoy a little outdoor time without being subjected to the dangers of the real world. Before you make the decision about adding an enclosure to your property, consider these facts. Free Access to the...
Euthanasia: Saying Goodbye

Euthanasia: Saying Goodbye

It’s not easy to say goodbye to cherished pets, even those that have lived long, happy lives. Although you may hate the thought of life without your pet, euthanasia can be the kindest decision you can make when your friend is suffering. Making the Decision If...
A Guide to Pet Nutrition

A Guide to Pet Nutrition

In 2007, several million bags of pet food were recalled in the United States due to contamination. Though some of the recalls were done by the manufacturers voluntarily to “be safe,” some of the recalled food was found to have contaminated vegetable...
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